The 700 Block of K Street Breaks Ground

The ‘who’s who’ in the City of Sacramento showed up for the ground breaking ceremony for the long awaited 700 Block of K IMG_4360Street development project. The project will add 137 housing units to the downtown core and will be a hub of activity for residents and visitors.

“This project has been a long time coming,” said DSP Executive Director Michael Ault. “It is a testament to the tenacity of our own board member Ali Youseffi of CFY Development, his partners at D&S Development, and the City of Sacramento. We are building momentum for downtown one block at a time. The 700 block of K encompasses so much of what we want and need in our city – local retail and a mix of housing that retains the authenticity and character of the urban core. When it is completed, it will be a dramatic transformation story for downtown.”


Photo courtesy of the City of Sacramento

Photo courtesy of the City of Sacramento

For more details regarding the 700 Block of K Street project click here (Sacramento Bee, Building begins on blighted block of Sacramento’s K Street).