2012 Business Walk Results

Last September, DSP hosted the first Downtown Business Walk with the Metro Chamber. With the help of 55 volunteers, consisting of business and civic leaders, 152 downtown businesses were successfully interviewed in just three hours. Their conversation focused on three basic areas: how is business, what do you like about doing business in Downtown Sacramento, and what should be done to improve doing business in Downtown Sacramento. Volunteers also asked businesses whether or not the Downtown Sacramento Partnership (DSP) was making downtown a better place to do business.

biz walkHow is business? ­­­­

The answers here were consistent with responses heard from business walks across the capital region.  Approximately 2/3 of businesses reported business was at least steady or better.  Roughly 1/3 reported business to be slow.

What do you like about doing business in Downtown Sacramento?  Businesses cited the following positive attributes:

  • Location: 42% mentioned attributes of the area or their specific site as being desirable.
  • Community: 32% said that the types of people they interact with, stating the market is full of “good people” and that the diversity and high concentration of businesses create a lot of energy and movement.
  • Clientele: 20% specifically referenced the reliable and friendly base of clients.
  • DSP:  7% specifically cited DSP as a reason they like doing business Downtown.

What should be done to improve business in Downtown? 

  • Marketing:  39% requested more advertising and signage.
  • Parking:  36% suggested that the city make it easier to park downtown and provide more parking validation options.
  • Economy: 24% cited too many vacancies on J and K Street and the need for more businesses.
  • Homeless 26% perceived security concerns to be an issue which scares customers away.

Is the DSP making downtown a better place for you to do business?

  • 74 % said yes, citing DSP’s Clean and Safe departments being helpful, which include the Clean Streets team, the Downtown Community Service Guides and the Homeless Outreach Navigators.
  • 12% said no.
  • 14% said they didn’t know. Some retailers were not familiar with DSP programs, while others said they had mixed feelings.

The Business Walk is an ongoing economic development program of the Metro Chamber that takes place throughout the six-county Sacramento region.  The Downtown Sacramento Partnership believes there is tremendous value in the business walk and plans to continue the efforts with an annual event.

To view the final report in its entirety please click here to download.