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Urban Land Institute and Downtown Sacramento Partnership Release Recommended Strategies for Downtown Realignment

Downtown takes the reins to capitalize on ‘new age of opportunity’ for Sacramento

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. (May 9, 2024) – The highly-anticipated recommendations have been released by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) today, outlining a detailed multi-pronged approach to downtown recovery.

Following the reveal of a $4.3 billion-dollar projected loss for Sacramento’s economy due to telework models, Downtown Sacramento Partnership and Urban Land Institute are providing specific suggestions on infrastructure and economic modeling to turn downtown into a destination of choice for residents, career and educational opportunities, and capital investment.

“30 years ago, when Sacramento’s 3 military bases closed, a realignment strategy came with that decision; a proactive approach to establish a unified transition and ensure successful implementation,” said Michael Ault, Executive Director of Downtown Sacramento Partnership. “We are at our own base closing moment. This is a once in a generation moment to capitalize on the unique opportunity in front of us and turn a deficit into an asset, and we’re excited to work with leadership to bring these concepts to fruition.”

In the document, ULI outlines four areas of growth with potential uses and partners, as well as suggested leadership structures for each recommendation, which include:

  • Bringing play downtown by enhancing underutilized areas downtown with green spaces and programming.
  • Growing residential density downtown with a focus on the missing middle.
  • Attracting academic campuses downtown, including opportunities for vocational training.
  • Focusing on waterfront connection as community reconnection.

“Community connection is an integral part of successful city centers all over the world,” said Scott Ford, Economic Development Director of Downtown Sacramento Partnership, “A healthy urban fabric should be a mosaic of different use types to promote social and creative collisions while adding vitality and resiliency to the heart of California’s capital city.”

Sacramento currently sits at a pivotal moment of opportunity, with downtown at the forefront. The ULI TAP is one of many elements Downtown Sacramento Partnership is utilizing to curate a multi-phased approach to redefine Sacramento post-pandemic. For the full recommendations, click here.

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