Stone Lithography
03/09/25 - 03/09/25
Verge Center for the Arts
625 S Street, Sacramento, CA, 95811
General Day & Time
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Admission info
Member $120
General $135

Have you ever wanted to make a print from stone? Lithography is the perfect opportunity to learn how to do that. In this two-session course, you will learn the history, chemistry, technology, and entire process involved in printing a drawing from stone. We will specifically be covering stone graining and leveling, drawing materials and how to use them, etching and the chemistry involved, press set up, and rolling up and printing the stone. There are many steps in the process of making a lithograph, all of which require attention to detail, and the final result is something magical! Each student will have an opportunity to create a drawing on a litho stone and print it. Previous printmaking experience appreciated. All materials included in registration fees!
Howard Levine has been an active printmaker for the past fifty-seven years. Howard taught printmaking and drawing for Sierra College for almost twenty-five years. At Carriage House Press, Grass Valley he had students engaged in all processes: intaglio, relief, litho and monotype for over 45 years. Howard has a M.A. from San Francisco State with an emphasis on printmaking, mainly lithography. He also is a painter, drawer and for-site artist. After dismantling his long time studio and gallery in Grass Valley, CA. he and his wife moved to Sacramento and joined Myrtle Press.
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